review of education in 21 conflict-affected contexts
background to the studyThis review was commissioned by the Education Support Programme (ESP), Open Society Foundation-London to provide an analysis of the Open Society Institute’s (OSI) education interventions in 21 conflict-affected contexts in view of its increasing work in such contexts. The overall aims of the review were to consolidate key insights from its network of operations, and to draw out a strategic focus for OSI and the Soros Foundations Network implementing education programmes in regions and countries outside of their traditional sphere of operation.
OSI's education interventions in the following countries were reviewed: Albania, Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burma, Croatia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Georgia, Kosovo, Liberia, Macedonia, Nepal, Pakistan, Serbia, South Africa, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Zimbabwe. research methodsPhase 1 - Document Review: Cross-comparative analysis of 138 documents including proposals, strategy documents, and project and programme reports from local foundations and spin-off organisations in the countries under review
Phase 2 - Interviews: Semi-structured interviews with 41 ESP, OSI, Soros Foundations Network, and spin-off staff and associates identified. Phase 3 - Additional field document review: Proposals, strategy outlines, reports from field offices research outputOh, S., & Srivastava, P., Open Society Institute review of education in 21 countries with a focus on conflict-affected contexts. A technical report commissioned by the Open Society Foundation-London, Soros Open Society Institute, Soros Network, 2009, pp. 100. Click here and scroll down for abstract.
research objectives1. To document past and current OSI education activities in the specified countries and:
3. To provide a commentary on the utility of the Inter-agency Network of Education in Emergencies (INEE) minimum standards framework as is relevant to OSI operations research InsightsThe study provided insight in a number of areas, including: